Ag Services, LLC is a full service biosolids and organics management
company serving Colorado. Parker Ag is a family-owned and professionally
managed business with its roots firmly set in agriculture and
farm management. The company was originally founded as a farm
management business in 1988. The owners were raised on family
farms in Colorado. Because of this agriculture background, Parker
Ag recognizes the value of biosolids and organic resource recycling.
Ag’s first foray into biosolids management was its involvement
with the land application of biosolids material from New York
City to the dryland wheat ground in southeastern Colorado. Parker
Ag participated in the development and application of the public
outreach and educational aspects of the program, assisted in
preparation of detailed site-specific data necessary to achieve
regulatory approvals from the Colorado Department of Public Health
and Environment and USEPA Region 8, and provided operational
services once biosolids from New York reached Colorado. The overwhelming
success of the project, both on a local level and nationally,
served as a springboard from which Parker Ag developed a local
land application business.
1993 Parker Ag began our first land application contract. Since
that date Parker Ag has expanded from one truck and tanker to
a large fleet of semi tractors and land application units. Parker
Ag has expanded from the original owner operating the equipment
to over fifty employees with contracts in all four corners of
the State of Colorado. The original operational base was in Limon,
CO, which continues to be the main office today.
first remote office was established in Lamar, CO in 1998 to support
our land application of New York City biosolids. In the spring
of 2001, Parker Ag Services acquired Westvac Environmental of
Dillon, CO and opened our second remote office. This acquisition
not only provides Parker Ag a local presence in a fast growing
region in Colorado it also brought with it an operating compost
site which is used locally by Summit County generators to compost
biosolids for local mine reclamation.
Ag provides a complete and professional residuals management
service. Parker Ag does not commingle any biosolids at the time
of application. All application sites are located and permitted
by Parker Ag.
Parker Ag provides a turnkey operation that is virtually odor free, clean and
non-offensive to either neighbors or the general public. Furthermore, our program
is managed in a manner that is truly acceptable to the farmer and the agricultural
community in general.
equipment used meets or exceeds all operational, safety and insurance
standards as set forth by the industry or by statute. The land
application process is strictly monitored for permit compliance
and public acceptance. Parker Ag actually encourages representatives
of the generator and regulatory authorities to visit our application
sites. Our programs have been used many times by the CDPH&E
and USEPA as the standard in the State of Colorado and as examples
of a sound land application program.
believe that the transportation and land application are the
highest profile aspects of this industry. Accordingly, public
relations and public acceptance are critical aspects of our company’s
program. We represent ourselves in a professional, courteous
and positive manner. Any concerns or questions that are raised
by the public will be promptly addressed. We have a number of
articles available upon request regarding this project.
Ag views land application of biosolids and other residuals as
a recycling project and a fertilizer operation rolled into one
process. We do not dispose of waste. We provide fertilizer for
privately owned farmland in a manner which benefits the farmer
while meeting the needs of our clients. This is performed in
an environmentally and agronomically responsible manner.
quality of our services, our rapport with the agricultural community
and our track record with the regulators and other clients are
keys which set us apart from others in the industry.
Ag Services, LLC
Phone: (719) 775-9870 Toll
Free: 888-BIOSOLIDS Fax:
(719) 775-9871
53036 N Hwy 71 Limon,
CO 80828