
  1. Products will be applied at agronomic rates to fit the yield goal of the next crop to be grown.
  2. Parker Ag will comply with all federal, state and local regulations as part of the program.
  3. Soil samples will be collected prior to fertilization to determine nutrient requirements.
  4. The soil samples will be provided to the farmer for nutrient management planning and recording.
  5. Fertilizer Reports will be sent to the farmer after completion of application. These detail the exact amount of material applied, where and when it was applied and what amount of nutrients where applied.
  6. A site inspection of the application site by a staff agronomist will be regularly conducted during application to confirm that application is being done properly.
  7. All materials will be applied in a manner that conserves the most nitrogen possible for the farmers’ use at agronomic application rates.
    1. All liquid materials will be injected unless cropping, i.e., pastureland, prohibit it.
    2. Cake biosolids will be incorporated whenever site conditions allow.
  8. A periodic informational letter will be sent to each farmer documenting trends, research and Parker Ag’s land application activities.

Parker Ag Services, LLC
Phone: (719) 775-9870    Toll Free: 888-BIOSOLIDS    Fax: (719) 775-9871
53036 N Hwy 71    Limon, CO    80828